This photo, which I received as a forward, was something rare and unique as I intuit at least. Not everyone of us get to see this archived photo. If you are good at face reading and rich in memory then try it out. If you guess that this must have been the photo of either Demi Moore or Salma Hayek in their 20's, then you are really wrong and update your Beauty Quotient (BQ) and try once again as I will be giving only hints to identify her. She is in no way inferior to any of the Hollywood or Bollywood movie actresses. If not now, at least in this photograph. I think there must have been some fitness centres mulling over the diet and exercise pattern followed by her.
Born as Edvige Antonia Albina Maino, at a dusky Italian village Lusiana, the lady has toiled hard to make it to the list of world's most powerful women. Even at 60, the whirling political events, unexpected twists and controversies have not been able to douse her enthusiasm and has been a fear factor among our netas.
Hailing from a different cultural background and despite her father's vehement opposition to her marriage to one of our former Prime Ministers, today Albina Moino is a pivotal and influential personality in the country's political arena. She never have imagined that she would one day attain a status of 'Madam', and hear the stories of our mirthful democratic leaders. I hope now you must have got the clear picture about the lady. But I am Sorry I can't fetch you a electoral ticket from her party on your achievement!
Oh. Sonia was pretty then. now its not surprise how Rajiv Gandhi fell in love with her.:)
good post niranjan
Unbelievable thats Sonia Gandhi, i was quite sure it was Reese wihterspoon. We cant never get over celeb worship can we?
I have been deeply involved in archiving material about the Gandhi family, including photographs, right from 1990.
I request you to ascertain facts before posting them on your blog. This is NOT Sonia Gandhi. Trust me, I speak with some authority in this matter.
Whoever sent this to you will be having laugh of his/her life. Oh, and btw, there's no such thing as a "dusky village" Where did you pull that one from? Ridiculous!
she may be sania or sonia i dont want to swim in the contrevorsy, but i can definetly say a wosd, this is nice photo, her eyes are thunduring..
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