Roger Hamilton, Asia's leading Wealth Consultant in an interview with Niranjan N Kaggere shares his success story.
Roger Hamilton, creator and presenter of the wealth Dynamics Weekend, is Asia's leading wealth cnsultant, conducting private coaching sessions for succesful entrepreneurs across Asia. He was born in HongKong and educated at Trinity College , Cambridge University. He became entrepreneur soon after getting his degree. He is also the Chairman of XL Results Foundation, consitsting of the largest
entrrepreneur network in Asia Pacific and Publisher of XL magazine, the world's first magazine dedicated to social enterprise. Roger now owns and runs businesses in Publishing, property, event management, training and franchising.
1)Roger could you please tell us something about the formative days of your career?
It all began when i was 12years old. i use to visit my neighbourers garden to sketch and paint the scenes from their garden and earn money by selling those sketches. Later when i moved on to Cambridge there too i was on the street sketching the gothic
buildings and trees on the sides of the roads. You know different people create different things in different ways. In the same way i would like to create things. So by the age of 20 i was running three business such as cartography, internet business and Newspaper business. Unfortunately all of them ended up in failure.
2) When did you decide to work on your own instead of working for someone else?
I learn't lot of lessons out of my earlier three ventures. Adding to these chaos the bank manager who invested $12million in my newspaper business had turned down the further monitary assistance. Mean time i was very much inspired by the fact that we need to figure it out for ourselves. i was moved by the desire to get achieve success as early as i could. Hence i started with the publishing company.
3) Why do you think Wealth Creation is so important?
Creation of Wealth is more important from the charity purpose. You can't help the poor being poor. So one must make money in order to give away.
4) What kind of personal philosophy are you advocating?
I would promote the use of word advice instead of philosophy to express my views. My views can be summed up in following four terms. Chose, Be Responsible, Be Hard Working and Be Duty Conscious and look for possible applications in your chosen
5) How would you like to change the quality of living in which our people are living today?
There is no question of changing but instead we must provide them enough to buy the necessary things. People must have everything to live happily. Quality of life can't be generated automatically, it is around us and we must inculcate it. Entrepreneurs can change the Economy as it has happened in China.
6) Is it possible to have abundence/fulfillment in all different areas of life simultaneously?
I believe so. It all depends on how happy and content are our people. Abundence can be brought in by advocating potential hidden within everybody. People must understand that potential lies in everybody to crate and develop things in a better way and one must make use of this to attain fulfillment.
7) How do people become rich, through traditional idealogies or by market potentialities?
Rich and Being Wealthy are always 2 entities for me. They have lot of differences within themselves. It is quite simple to become both. Start doing something with values that attract people. If you chose the field in which you are capable then it's a non-stop journey towards sucess and you will fall on your flow and it is more easier to drift further. To achieve fame you dont't have to go to people, let people come to you and in making so you must have good resources. These resources are no consequences within themselves. Finally at the end what is more important is what you give to the people but not what you get from them.
8) Is it worth teaching values?
Some values does need teaching and some do not because these are within us. When one finds it difficult to identify these values then another's help is more affirmative in getting good results.
9) You have been regarded as the creator of the " Wealth Dynamics". Could you please elaborate on the term.
There is nothing much with the word. It is all about profiling system. Each one has their own path suppose to follow. I've identified such Eight different paths. Creator, Star, Supporter, Deal Maker, Trader, Accumulator, Lord (Real Esate), and Mechanic. The word Wealth Dynamics summarize all these.
10) What is the nature of XL Result Foundation? How does it function and what are its future plans?
XL foundation is a kind of Socio-Enterprise and World Wide Wealth: Making Money to contribute. As Winston Churchill said "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." We are striving hard to formulate a network of Entrepreneurs running business on any part of the world not to make profit or gain something but to offer that to the people. Through the foundation we are providing entrepreneur training programmes in many Asian Countries, Australia and in New Zealand.
11) Could you tell me some of your own values in doing business and what do you like to pass down to others?
Try getting a good and successful mentor- someone who has already done whatever it is you want to do and has done it successfully. Try asking them about their mistakes and how they resolved those. Learn from their experience. Not finding a mentor will be the greatest mistake you can make- as you will lose both time and money.
12) How does one's educational pursuit help or hinder Entrepreneurship?
In School we grow up intelectually and create rational thinking capablities. In Entrepreneurship the stress is on physical learning and emerging as strong as anybody. Here your instincts, passion and experience counts than your intellect. Hence if you understand the difference between them you will realise what it is exactly. In Enterprising world if you think you are special then you lose your assets. Here customers are more important than the investor.
13) What qualities do you consider as the secrets of running a successful business?
Measure what you can give to your society. Analyse yourself by the worth you offer to yourself. Control your finance. Make it a point to make mistake atleast every weak and learn from those mistakes. Don't ever do anything for money. Concentrate on your liabilites. Build good network and get right people. Always step out and find smarter men than you to do the business and monitor over them. Remember the more you sow the more you reap.
14) Could you mention the best day in your business/ your proudest achievement to this date.
My best day or the the proudest moment came in through my eight year old daughter Cathelene. She paints and sketches a lot. One day all of a sudden she asked me," Dad how can I make money?". I answered " You sell whatever you Create." From very
next day she started painting on the canvasses and wrote prices($10, $50, $100) on them. One fine day her grandpa, my father who had advised me once not make money, visited her and received one of her paintings priced $100 as gift. He was puzzlled and asked her," you said it is gift but why did you mention the price?". My daughter replied," Pa, if i have given this as gift to you it doesn't mean that it has no value. It has value and I have mentioned that on it".
1) Paradox are not an exclusive asset of Stage. They can even some time come in any field. Here is one such in the entrepreneurship world. The More money you have, the More opportunities you lose it.
2) Six Internal Values of a Good Entrepreneur:- Pasion/Balance, Knowledge, Network, Character,Conduct and Purpose.
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